Lifetrenz - Why Choose Us
Lifetrenz provides compelling reasons to choose its’ products based on the strong credentials of its Professional Team, their domain and technical expertise, the Technology Framework, the Products we architect and the real-time customer support system we provide. There are also other unique differentiators in our products when compared to other products available in the market today, such as:
Standards - Currently, the HIS market does not adhere to any standards, as they are not mandated by many Governments. Hence, there are a number of local players, with different technologies offering their products and services. But this is changing very fast with Governments across the world moving towards adoption of EHR standards. It will soon be a necessity for all Healthcare providers to adopt these standards in their practice to ensure transparency, interoperability and delivery of safer healthcare.
In India, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, have approved the EHR and Healthcare IT Standards in August 2013, and all healthcare providers are now encouraged to adopt these standards.
Many countries in the GCC region have also started moving in this direction, with others in the region expected to follow suit.
Lifetrenz products fully comply with International and Indian EHR and Healthcare IT standards and by adopting our products Healthcare Organisations can ensure that their investments are future proofed.
Coverage - Currently in most regions, the Healthcare IT usage is predominantly limited to the Administrative, Operations and Finance functions in a healthcare delivery organisation, with minimal usage by the clinical staff. There is an emerging need for IT enabled delivery of clinical care, with the aim of improving the quality and safety of patient care. Many of the current solutions are not amenable to creating an end-to-end, well integrated, enterprise wide solution.
Lifetrenz products are built keeping the patient at the center and caters to all the clinical requirements, in addition to the Administrative, Operations and Finance workflows.
Technology - Available technology in the market is mostly on proprietary Operating Systems and use client-server technology. There is a growing need to move towards Open Source and Cloud technologies to optimize the investment value. During the next 2-5 years, the market is expected to become more oriented towards standards based, mobile devices enabled and fully integrated solutions developed on Cloud technology platforms.
Lifetrenz products are built using Open Source Technologies and are Operating System agonistic, thereby ensuring that our customers do not pay any additional licensing fees. They are fully compliant to EHR and Healthcare IT standards, and can be delivered either from our Cloud Platform or as an On-Premise solution, based on the individual choice our clients make.