Lifetrenz Hospital - Professional Fees Management

Professional Fees Management

Correct calculation and pay out of professional fees to physicians and other entitled personnel is an important function at Hospitals. This has a direct bearing on the employee satisfaction. Lifetrenz handles complex professional fee management scenarios and helps hospitals in accurate calculation and pay out of professional fees. Lifetrenz Hospital Professional Fees Management Process allows Hospitals to configure various professional fees that are payable such as Physician Consultation Fee, Surgeon’s Fee, Anesthetist’s Fee, Radiologist’s Fee etc.
Based on the business rules of the hospital and pre-set action triggers, these fees are posted to the pay out of individual professionals automatically by the system. While the configuration of Professional Fees and charges are done in the Charge Masters Module, the triggering of payment of professional fees is done through the Patient-Centric Workflows in the Lifetrenz Hospital Management Solution. This ensures accurate capture and assignment of the professional charges "there and then" itself, without any loss to the Professional service providers.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Professional Fees Management

Flexible Professional Fee management

Lifetrenz Hospital Professional Fees Management Solution is flexible enough to allow the users to configure different Professional charges based on the bed category or contractual of the Hospital.

Assign professional fee as percentage or flat rates

Lifetrenz Hospital Professional Fees Management Solution allows users to configure Professional charges either as a Flat Fees or as a percentage of the standard Charges of the Hospital.

Auto calculation of professional fee payable

Lifetrenz Hospital Professional Fees Management Solution automatically calculates the professional fee payable to each entitled professional based on the business rules of the hospital and pre-set action triggers in the patient centric clinical workflow.


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