Lifetrenz Hospital – Patient Transfer Process


During the process of IP encounter, many occasions arise wherein a patient is required to be transferred from one patient care location to another. Lifetrenz Hospital Solution recognises that it is important to track the location of the patient at any given time and facilitates this through the patient transfer feature, which is part of the ADT Module.

Also recording any change in room/ bed type or Level of care is very important even from the billing perspective so that correct and accurate charges are made in the patient’s bill.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital’s Patient Transfer Process

Easy Patient transfer across the Hospital

Transfer of patients from one patient care location (bed or room) to another can be easily done in the Lifetrenz Hospital system. A graphical representation of all available locations and beds are presented to the user for easy and quick decision making. The applicable charges are automatically triggered in the patient’s bill based on the change in category.

Transfer of Patient from one level of care to another

Patient transfer from one level of care to another level of care can also be done easily in the Lifetrenz Hospital system. The applicable charges are automatically triggered in the patient’s bill based on the change in Level of care.

Graphical global view of all patient locations

In the Patient Transfer module of ADT, an easy to understand graphical representation of all the beds available in the hospital or in a patient care location is shown on a map, which gives details of available and occupied bed with patient identity and gender. The location of a patient can be easily searched using this feature.

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