Lifetrenz Hospital - Charge Masters

Charge Masters Module forms an important component in a Hospital Management Information System, as all the charges for the services offered by the Hospital are configured in this module. Ability to define charges for various services being offered and handling different scenarios is an important functionality that a Healthcare IT System should possess. Lifetrenz has a very flexible and comprehensive charge master module that can easily handle assigning of rates for the different services being offered, based on different business rules that a Hospital wants to put in place.
Lifetrenz Hospital Charge Masters Management Module can handle various types of charges for different categories of patient groups such as corporate organizations, Insurance/ Third Party Administrators, Self-Paying Patients, Credit Patients etc. Lifetrenz Hospital Charge Masters Module enables configuration of charges based on different Bed Categories and patient room types, for any group of service. Charges can also be configured based on the level of care being offered.
3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Charge Masters Module
Multiple Options for Rate Configuration
Lifetrenz Hospital Charge Masters Module allows the flexibility to the users to configure the rates or charges for various services either on manual rate basis (or) a Single Rate (or) on a Rate Ratio basis linked to a benchmark rate for all services.
Fixed or Variable Charge Configuration
Lifetrenz Hospital Charge Masters Module allows the flexibility to the users to configure the individual item or service charges either as a fixed rate or variable rate. This feature is very important to provide the granular flexibility to creating the Charge Masters.
Professional Fees Configuration
Different types of Professional Fees such as Physicians' Fees, Surgeons' Fees, Radiologist’s Fee, and other Medical Services' Fees etc. can be configured in Lifetrenz Charge Masters. The Professional Fees Management Process also handles the pay outs to the Professionals.