Lifetrenz Hospital - Anesthesia Module

Anaesthesia Management

Lifetrenz Hospital Management System has a comprehensive Anesthesia module that allows Hospitals to configure various anesthesia services and map Anesthetists to these services. A Pre-Anesthesia Check (PAC) can be ordered from OP, ER/Daycare or IP and can be completely done on the system. The application has specialised module that caters to Pre, Intra and Post Op anesthesia workflows. The system can interface with third party specialised anesthesia modules that link up with various anesthesia equipment in the OT.

3 Key Features of Lifetrenz Hospital Anesthesia Module

Configure Anesthesia Services and map Anesthetists

Lifetrenz’s Anesthesia Solution has an Anesthesia services configuration module that allows Hospital to define the various Anesthesia services that the Hospital would provide, map anesthetists authorised to perform each type of service, configure charges and professional fees payable for each service.

Pre-Anesthesia Check

In Lifetrenz’s anesthesia management module, a Pre-Anesthesia Check (PAC) can be ordered from OP, ER/Daycare or IP clinical modules. PAC can be scheduled based on the availability of Anesthetists and can be completely done on the system.

Pre-OP, Intra-OP, Post-OP Anesthesia records Management

Lifetrenz’s Anesthesia management module has provision to carry out various checks prior to anesthesia, record pre, intra and post-anesthesia notes and patient recovery. The User Interface is so well designed to ensure that no critical information is missed out. The system can also integrate with third party anesthesia modules that interface Anesthesia equipment for intra-op anesthesia record capture.

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